so i drew a short straw, and ended up getting an assignment today, i'm a temp. i had flirted with the idea of wearing my kilt today a) just because, b) it's st. patrick's, and i could most probably get away with it, and c) i haven't worn it on any assignment yet. i waffled about kilting to work, especially since i don't know anything about the company's dress code, but as one of my directors said, it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission. also, my girlfriend, my mother and my aunt gave me the ol' "what's the matter colonel sanders, chicken?" routine, so i couldn't say no.

the only thing that anyone has said about it was a guy on the street on the way in. he may or may not have been irish, i couldn't tell if he had an accent or not. he said "it's st. patrick's day, not st. andrew's." i just nodded and kept walking. i wanted to say, "no, it's wednesday," but upon reflection, any authority this guy may have had on the matter was undermined by his neon green plastic hat, so i let it go.

i kinda thought that kilting up today would be a show of solidarity with my celtic cousins, but this guy seemed a little put off by it. he didn't get to me at all, but it got me thinking whether or not it was a faux pas, not being irish, to kilt up it at a (supposedly) irish event. personally, i think it's much better than wearing green plastic and puking on 5th avenue. any thoughts?

oh, and irish or not, happy st. patrick's!