Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
It might be possible to stretch the smaller one, it sounds as though it was shrunk, perhaps by being washed hotter, or with more agitation than the other one.

Try wetting it in warm water and pour on hair conditioner, work it through the whole hose, then compare it with the other one and pull it longer, stretch it on your fist, or whatever is required to restore the size.

Don't be alarmed if you hear small popping sounds, that is the fibres coming unshrunk - but they should be small sounds, don't be too hasty, several tugs not one great heave works best.

Rinse out the conditioner in warm water, several rinses will probably be required, so be careful they are at the same temperature or all your stretching will be undone.

Anne the Pleater :ootd:
Thanks Pleater! I finally made the time to try your advice and so far, so good. The hose are now the same size and I will report back once the unshrunk one has dried