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  1. #8
    Join Date
    9th May 09
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    It is my understanding that Scots Gaelic and Irish Gaelic were pretty well seperated and distinguishable by about 1700. I read that somewhere, don't ask me where...
    I also read that Gaidhlig has more Norse words, (of course) and that these words involve commerce and sea travel.
    I found "Happy Birthday Song" in Gáidhlig on the internet but can't find it now...
    Meal do neaithuich(sp?) an diugh
    Sing this over and over, like "Happy Birthday to you" It translates as (I believe): Sweet (is) your birth(sp) today...

    It was really cute as they had an MP3 of children singing it!

    I have Teach Yourself Gaelic, MacLaren's Gaelic and a big ol G-E, E-G Dictionary (MacLennan) as well as Renton & MacDonald's Pocket(?) Dictionary as well as Grámar Na Gáidhlig (Michel Byrne) and...the coolest f*****g thing, an Etymological Dictionary of Scottish Gaelic (Alexander MacBain) which I originally found at the local library :-)

    Problem?- No one to talk to locally....
    I'm not too bad at reading real simple stuff but my ear for the language is terrible

    Here are some internet learning programs:





    Dictionaries, etc...







    (BBC Alba learning and Gaidhlig only news, etc. is pretty cool because some words are actually highlighted and will give an English definition when you put the cursor over it.)

    And now I leave you with a poem I wrote, warning about the absence of the tongue...please excuse my bad Gáidhlig, and no, I like the English, being part myself...
    This poem is about the loss of the Celtic languages ...How thoughts and ideas are stolen from a people when they lose their own language. The kiss is the acqusition of a foreign language and its ideas of decorum.

    A' Phog as an Allmharach

    A' Phog as an Allmharach

    Oir chi Seanair agus Seanmhair:

    Cha bhi aithne aca na leanai
    An teanga de
    ***********Fir Naomh
    ***********Mna Glicas
    as am bliadhnaichean sin chaidh

    Bith an Og seo a fuirich sna Tir
    Cha dean iad mol nam mathraichean

    Chi iad mol airson a mhathair
    agus cha bhi pogach nam mnathan

    The Kiss from the Stranger

    The Kiss From the Stranger

    For Grandfather and Grandmother will see:

    The children will not know
    The tongue of
    ***********Holy Man
    ***********Wise Woman
    from the years past

    These Young will be living in the Land
    They will not make praise to the mothers

    They will see pebble strewn beaches for their mother
    and the women give up their kissing habits
    Last edited by ciltmore; 8th May 10 at 04:55 PM. Reason: bad Gaelic!

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