Alrighty. I need a plan. A strategem, if you will. The purpose? To have enough kilts (I know, there's no such thing), accessories, footwear, etc., that I can be kilted whenever I feel like it, in whatever situation.

Here's what I've got. One X-Kilt, black denim, made for me by a friend, and one Stillwater Heavyweight Black Shadow acrylic. I also have a black leather casual sporran. I believe it's a Buzz Kidder... it has three tassels and no badge. I also have some black front laceup Ren boots, the tall ones from Celtic Croft.

That's it. It's a pretty bare closet, fellas.

Here are my thoughts.

I need at least two wool kilts, probably the casual 4-5 yard sort, from Scotweb or my man MAC Newsome. (Or USAKilts, whoever You're all beautiful people.) I have tended towards the solid kilts in the past because in my mind they're easier to match up with shirts I currently own. But Tartan is just so awesome...

Bear in mind that I may never attend a blacktie event, ever. Just don't tend to run with that sort of thing. So a PC is not at the top of the list, priority wise. Nor is a fancy-schmancy dress sporran.

I think new kilts and footwear are the place to start. Ren boots tend to get more funny looks than the kilt! And they are not comfortable for longer than a few hours. (I bought them for a medieval themed wedding a few years ago... I was the Best Man, the only one in a kilt, and the only one carrying a sword... strange wedding, but fun.)

So what shoes and kilts to buy? To start off, I think casual outfits? Then we can work our way towards more formal.