I am not knocking the advice that you have been given, but be aware that many Scots will know little of the "modern " adaptations of the kilt that you may take for granted. One example that I can give,although I have only gleaned this information from this website, as I have never seen a "modern" kilt.

You may well wish to go one of the formal events whilst you are there and you may find that the "modern" style kilt hanging from your hips as opposed to above your navel for a traditional kilt, will not easily "take" to a formal jacket well-----there is the dreaded gap problem between the top of the kilt anf the bottom of the jacket-----a situation to be avoided!

One more thing the bottom of the kilt needs to be no lower than the centre of your knee cap, in Scotland, ever.Just to the top of the knee cap would be better still.Have fun you lucky devil!