The only good news is I am now safe at home in Texas once again!!!!!! The move however is another story entirely.

It starts with the mover calling on the phone saying he needs a $700 cash deposit indtead ot $500 because the rental truck place will not take his credit card. He arrives at the house and announces he needs to go somewhere and get a dolly because he doesn't have one in the truck. He then announces that all of our belongings will not fit in the truck he rented! Loading then commences as he loads the truck the way he wants to not the way my wife says it needs to go. We then arrange to rent another truck and car hauler, the trucking company we contracted to haul my jeep fell down on the job too, another $1000 gone.

The next morning we got a call at 7:30 from the mover and his helper who is suposed to load the other truck, he is in Clovis NM 250 miles away, saying that "Uncle George" has died and he had to go home in the middle of the night. He then wishes us good luck getting getting the other truck loaded!

We get the other truck and Jeep loaded and the caravan of my wife in the Caddy with one dog, my daughter with the grandkids in the HHR, and me in the truck with Jeep in tow and the other dog hit the road about 4:00pm instead of 10:00am as planned!

150 miles and 3 hours later in Tucamcari NM red flashing lights appear in my mirror, a state trooper pulls me over and tells me I have a flat tire. ( 2 hours later with a new tire I am back on the road flogging the truck to its maximum speed 58mph! I arrive in Wichata Fall TX at 05:15 in the bloody AM!

The next day is not so bad, back on the road at 2:00pm. My wife and daughter get lost on the freeways in Ft. Worth, #@!%*# GPS is worse than useless it tells you to exit or merge just after you pass the spot you need to exit or merge. She calls me in panic and I am able to sort things out (they use 6 or 3 dozen names for the same strip of asphalt) it starts to rain, pichforks and hammer handles. I get to the hotel at 01:45 in the bloody AM!

My loving wife has mercy on me at that point and delays meeting at the house until 10:00 am.

We arrive at our new abode,which is quite nice, in a driving rainstorm (note to self: never schedule moving in day during a hurricane) we make contact with the 3 Stooges, the movers, they say it is raining and once again wish us good luck. My wife, daughter and myself unload enough from the second truck to "camp out" in the house.

The next day we manage to convince the movers, via false promises of extra money, avoiding minor mayhem etc, to unload the truck. They do so, however it appears the did so by taking our belongings to the end of the truck and heaving them into the garage with any attention to fragile marking or any respect for us or out furniture, backs busted out of some shelves. holes in others trim busted off other pieces, when my wife finishes with that company they will wish they had just been subjected to some of the more creative tortures of the Spanish Inquisition!

However at the last of it I am now back home in Texas!

Weasel :ootd: