
It's been a while, since my last post on this forum. Mainly because, I've found many answers and good tips regarding making and wearing kilt. Besides, I had many other projects running. But lately, an idea keeps me restless... I would like to try my skills and will on playing Practice Chanter. First I must say I'm an total unalphabet, when it comes to music. OK I can find out which note is written if I have a lot of time available for studying it and I used to play a bit a guitar in Highschool (hm, when was that???). The thing is I don't thing I'll play pipes (to load and no opportunities, ...), but chanter could be something for me to play with. Right now I'm not in the position to pay big money for something really good and I don't think I could find anyone to teach me, in my neighborhood.

I need your advice on some open questions in my mind:

1.) Is it acceptable to buy something cheap (in the range 20EUR on Ebay) to start with?

2.) How much is chanter different from others flutes, like recorder in the way how it's played and tuned? Right, I know there's a big difference in sound. I could get a recorder locally much easier then buying chanter on the Net, just to see if my fingers can do something together with mind and rest of body. And I could find some learning help easier.

3.) Is it possible to learn, a list some basics, from the literature that can be found on the Net? Something for free, for start, would be preferred.


