It is that time to prepare for the games at Loon Mountain again.

I will be there all three days and will be around the S.A.M.S. tent, MacNeil tent, or the Cunningham tent. Hope to see many Xmarkers, and those coming to the mountain will get a chance to meet up with Cessna152towser, who is traveling from his home in Scotland to be with us. For his arrival in Boston, on the 10th, there is a kilt night at 7:00 P.M. at The Haven in Jamaica Plain. This is in a kilt night thread, please post there if you are coming to that event.

Please post here if you will be joining us at The New Hampshire Highland Games.

This year the New Hampshire Games are hosting the World competition of Drum Majors, as well as the World team championships in Heavy Athletics. Sixty tent sights have been signed up in the Clan Village. Many Pipe and Drum bands are competing as well as many Solo piping competitions.
The Scottish food from many vendors, several Whisky tastings and events for all ages, so bring the young 'uns.

The entertainers include the Red Hot Chilli Pipers and Albannach. Both bands will be having a joint concert on Saturday evening. Many other entertainers keeping three performance areas busy all day and night. Scottish dancing, and various Scottish crafts will be on hand.

The New England foliage should be in great colours on the mountains during the games.
