Indulge me a couple of excuses:
1. It is my understanding that the event took place in traditional Scottish weather. Rain and drizzle. So I used an inexpensive Cannon ELPH instead of a SLR.
2. Do to a family emergency and had to leave early, and was unable to return the next day.

The day started off with compliments. Since it was a balmy 66F I wore my "Marine Corps" T-shirt, and my SWK Leatherneck. The Guys at the gate said that I was obviously there to compete. These guys were not small, or fat, so I took that as a compliment. Granted, it would have been better had it been a few 20-something women, then again, my betrothed was with me, so maybe not.

There were some difficulties with the caber due to the rain. A couple of guys had it slip through their hands during warm up, athletes know what happened next. Once they dropped it, they had to fight their mind.

The field was not set so I could get some good shots of the Hammer, and I love that event most. So this shot was taken from around 100 yards. I was patting myself on the back for getting the hammer in mid air.

The warm up with the Sheath was fun to watch, there was a lot of banter amongst the athletes. I admit, I felt like a drunk on a golf course. I was the only person cheering during the beginning. Because of the rain, the sheath just got heavier.

Warm up toss. These guys were my age, and so I had to cheer.

This one is for Jock, Flat-cap, kilt, and 20 feet.

I ran out of time and was unable to get too many pictures, and the women competed on Sunday.