Wife, the Boy, and I will be arriving sometime Friday afternoonish and will be staying at the older Marriott on the park grounds nearest by the actual games meadow. We would love a Friday night meet up if that is being arranged. I will be wearing the dandelion in my cap on Saturday (thanks Alex)and hanging around the Forrester Clan tent at least for a little while, probably wearing my Forrester Hunting, or maybe the modern. Will probably hang around the STM tent for a little while but if someone is organizing a meet up of xmarkers I will be set with a camera to take a group photo or twelve. Might also hang around the beer tent/truck for a while too in between shopping all the vendors and watching the games and pipers. Not sure what to do for Saturday night, as the boy generally dictates our schedule (still takes naps, like his father). And we are heading back home Sunday morning so will miss all the days activities.
