Well, it has been a week so without any more here are my views from the New Hampshire Highland Games at Loon Mtn:

The hands of a kilt maker. Yes, the hands of Barb T. Mohawk Valley Frasers; Tartan = MacGillivay

At rest, before the march to the performance circle. Mohawk Valley Frasers; Tartan = MacGillivay

All the way from Yuma, AZ, The Yuma Sector Border Patrol Pipes & Drums; Tartan = U.S. Border Patrol

Hibernian Pipes & Drums; Tartan = Irish National (and a Saffron (sp?) thrown in for good measure)

A Tartan "clad" family and Lincoln police officer. Officer's Tartan = New Hampshire State.

More to follow.
Chris Shepherd