I was brought up as a kilt wearer as a child and wore different tartans none of which were related to our family name which I understand is of French origin but can find no trace of it over there. The vast majority of Scots do not wear a kilt in their lifetime and I must agree have little or no interest in it. I have heard the saying many times, "The only place to find a true Scotsman is anywhere outside Scotland" We as a race tend to become very patriotic when we leave our homeland :The Tartan Army included. These are rugby and football fans who tend to go kilted but mostly to away matches. My opinion is wear what you like but to be safe from critique wear a non clan tartan. I wear a Campbell of Argyle (I have Cambells in my line) which according to the current Chieftan it does not exist as a Campbell tartan. You will never please everyone so please yourself, that's what counts.