Quite a surprise
We have all had little rewards for being out whilst Cilted/Kilted ... free this n that. That has'nt happened to me in many many years until yesterday. Walked into one of the several wetherspoons pubs in the city centre. No sooner that I am stood at the bar waiting to be served when there is a tap on my shoulder. Theres this guy who says its great to see a cilt/kilt and I would like to buy you a beer. I tried to say there is no need, as one does does, but he insisted and did so, then returned to a table where he was with several other guys and their wives/girlfriends. There was no time for conversation it all happened fast. He had a plain accent, cant be sure where he be from. Anyhow there is a fab beer festival being run in all Wetherspoons pubs at the moment, so I had a free pint of Pendle Witches Brew. An old favourite of mine but rarely seen here in Wales. It from up Northern England. After I drank it I waved at their table in acknowledgement of thanks, they all waved, and I left.
Know nothing about them or seen them before ... it seems the cilt/kilt dont need words. A most interesting day ...
Iechyd Da
A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer