Semantics. Good point though, let me clarify my point.

Section 4 of the May 8th, 1792 Militia Act talks of out dated equipment and standards. The 79th did not fallow those regulations or even the ones imposed on them by Ewan. They were to never have kilts and "Scotch Costumes" as many period sources put it. My reference to costume comes from books written by veterans and papers of the early 60s.

They are "Military" on paper by regulations which they did not fallow. They were just a social club funded by the New York Caledonian Club.

If its worth anything, when Militias changed to the actual National Guard system in 1872, the 79th redesigned their uniform to fit within the regulations. Their coat was the m72 artillery coat with a sporran cut out. Before 1872, the 79th did as the pleased.