Quote Originally Posted by yojackus View Post
Hear, Hear, Azwildcat96!

Yeesh! A conservative or liberal kilt wearer? I've taken enough heat already. Who gives a rat's ***?

It's about the kilt and pride in wearing it.

Exactly! For goodness sake people! Can't we just leave the harassment over political views (implied and otherwise) on the porch when we come in here? What is wrong with people these days that politics becomes the reason to beat a topic (and an ally) into the ground until you force someone away from an otherwise great forum? He wore the kilt, took the heat, and won someone over through kind patience! That is to be applauded! Politics have no place in this particular post and his comment was obviously meant to be taken with a grain of salt and not as an insult. All I can say is go find a better venue to argue over semantics and party politics and leave those who are here for the right reasons alone. This is a community and reasonableness should govern whatever we say and do here.
