I didn't want to highjack a different thread so here is a quote from a nother thread that i wanted to get more info on.

Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
Those are actually knit, not woven (a point of semantics, but as someone who lives with those who both knit and weave, it's an important difference).

You don't even have to know how to hand knit to make them. Looks like they were made using a basic knitting machine which you can pick up for relatively little cash at most craft and hobby stores. A quick google search found one at Target for only $19.95.
I just looked at that machine for $20 and also read the reviews...not on the top of anyones list it seems, All but 1 person said it was crap, and wouldn't ever use it again.

Has anyone had experience working with this machine or something similar?