Hand tinted stereoview! This is one of the well known 79th New York images. Taken on the 4th of July in 1860, it shows the militia on parade.

This scan is from an original handtinted stereoview in our collection! When seen through an original viewer, it is breathtaking and as close as we can get to seeing them as they were in life.


New York Caledonian Club pipers:

The men marching in front clearly have bagpipes held under their arms. In the original stereoview, its clear that they are not wearing uniforms of the militia. They have common outfits worn by Caladonian Club members in the late 50s- early 60s. Non of the pipers have piper's plaids.

This image from the New York Caledonian Club: http://www.nycaledonian.org/

Though this was taken in 1898, little had changed from 1860.