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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th September 04
    Victoria, BC Canada 48° 25' 47.31"N 123° 20' 4.59" W
    18 Post(s)
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    The Quest of the Quaich

    The Scottish Quaich is a drinking vessel used to share "a wee dram" among friends. In this spirit we are announcing "The Quest of the Quaich".

    We have commissioned a custom made Quaich with our X Marks Crest in the bottom and some custom engraving.

    The goal of "The Quest of the Quaich" will be to travel the entire globe, to visit and share our love of the kilt with as many members and others as possible.

    Accompanying the Quaich will be a logbook, covered with the X Marks Tartan. Everyone who shares the Quaich can sign the logbook as a record of that sharing. In the back of the logbook will be a fold out world map to track the Quaich on its Quest.

    Because we have a saying here on X Marks, "If there are no pics, it didn't happen", We have set up this special forum section for our members to share their pictures and experiences with the entire forum.

    It has been suggested that we try to keep the Quaich moving by asking that no one keep the Quaich longer than two weeks before sending it on.

    To ensure the Quest achieves its global scope it has also been suggested that for the first year the Quaich is sent only in a Westerly direction. During the second year it can be reversed to an Easterly direction. It is hoped that by doing this every continent, and eventually every country, where X Markers are located will be included in the Quaich's travels.

    Another suggestion is that as soon as someone gets the Quaich they begin to plan who they will send it to next. By posting its next destination in this thread those in the next area will have ample time to arrange a Kilt Night or other event to host it.
    What if you are in a remote area or there are no other members to hold a Kilt Night? Well, share it with whoever you can. Have a dinner out and share it with the staff. Attend your local Highland Games and share it with other participants. Take the Quaich to your favorite scenic spot and share it with anyone else there.
    It should be about our sharing our love for the kilt with the world.

    Another suggestion is for our members to link the logbook pages to the post number where the pictures are. This way when you look at the pages of signatures you can reference directly to the associated photos.

    To assist anyone who should incur extra shipping costs due to international rates they may submit a copy of the shipping receipt to Steve Ashton who will reimburse them for the additional costs.

    We will ask that the Quaich and logbook be returned to Steve Ashton at least once a year. This is only to allow him to scan the pages of the logbook and post them to this thread. It will also allow him to replace the logbook if it is becoming full or repair it if it is becoming travel worn.
    By scanning the pages of the logbook and posting them, if the book should ever be lost or damaged, we will always have the record here for everyone to enjoy.

    Last edited by Steve Ashton; 23rd October 14 at 03:22 PM.

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