I am new to kilt wearing and i was wondering if there are certain shoes that dont go with kilts? i know for dressing up and all you would wear brogues.
I am looking for something to wear with a casual kilt in casual settings like the pub or a parade concert. I'm not planing on attending any black tie affairs any time soon. Also i have not found any brogues that fit my giant size 15wide feet. I like the look of black leather boots with a kilt but im having trouble finding some i like in m size. Is wearing a pair of black skater shoes out of the question? I am just looking for some kind of guidance I don't know if there our certain rules or guidelines in the kilt wearing world that i haven't learned yet?
Like in another thread one poster said to another you shouldn't wear a flat cap with a kilt. I have never heard that before so i do not know if that's a general rule or if he was joking or what. Because i was planning on wearing my flat cap with kilt so I'd like an answer to that to if you could. Sorry if what im trying to say didnt come out right hopefully its clear enough to get some answers and thank you for your answers that im sure are gonna come.
