I'm looking for a versatile gun dog. There's an impressive amount of outre knowledge on this site, so I thought it was worth asking if anyone has experience with this breed, known in Europe as the Korthals Griffon, and variations on that in the rest of Europe. I have no dog at present but I'll be in a position to own a dog again in a year or so, and this breed has always intrigued me as it seems to be the perfect versatile gun dog in so many ways-and to be honest, in appearance reminds me of a favorite pet mutt from some year back. The breed is quite rare in my area and indeed I was unable to find a Canadian breeder 20 years ago, now however there are several. My fallback dog would be a Brittany, I'm looking for a smallish indoor gun dog that can't wreck the dwelling in a single bound (or sweep of the tail).