
I was counting up my surgical scars and trying to remember all the "other stuff" doc's can do in their spare time, and I can tell you about chemo. Stay hydrated, and if upset stomach troubles you, try frozen anything . . . ice cream bars; fudge bars; juice bars . . . and I ain't kidding . . .sherbet and anglefood cake. Really!

If upset stomach does not trouble you . . . insist on all the above anyway. The colder something was, the better I could tolerate it, and the more of it I could have. Besides, "cold" made me feel better.

They tell me that chemo is so much better than it used to be, and I hope that is the case for you. Chin up and kilt up everytime you go in, and you'll breeze through it.

Sometimes it helps to talk with someone who has been through it. Doctor's are great, but I bet yours (like mine) has never had chemo. I am available for PM if you feel the urge.