Kilted Young'uns
My wife informed me, at our last highland games, that if we had sons I would not be allowed to buy them kilts until they are old enough to tell me that they want one. I understand her not wanting me to force it on them but still kids in kilts are so cute. What a quandry......
My five year old daughter loves me in my kilt but surprisingly hasn't asked for one of her own. She has skirts that are plaid...not tartan so don't send me death threats for using the p word. maybe that is why...I don't know.
Anyway to keep a happy wife I won't argue to much, though I do remind her of it on a regular basis. Always remember happy wife...happy life.
"Daddy will you wear your quilt today?" Katie Graham (Age 4)
It's been a long strange ride so far and I'm not even halfway home yet.