The last weekend in March sees the start of our sumemr tourist season here in the Scottish Borders, when all the tourist attractions re-open after the winter break. In Hawick the weekend is marked by the Reivers' Festival, which is a Renfaire event. The weekend begins with the Reivers arriving in town on Saturday morning, many on foot, but some on horseback.
There are lots of colourful costumes to be seen at the Saturday market.
Music and dancing outside Drumlanrig's Tower
Dinnae Mess wi' a Scotsman!
Later in the day Hawick Scout Fellowship Pipe Band begin to assemble
At dusk the band leads the Hot Trod. Traditionally the townspeople had a right of hot pursuit and they would chase the Reivers back to their encampment where they would burn down their camp.
The Hot Trod crosses the bridge in the park on the way to the Reivers' encampment.
Nowadays instead of burning the encampment, a fireworks display is held adjacent to the camp. The band plays on after dark until it is time to set off the fireworks.
So the encampment is still in place on Sunday when traditional sports and games are held, falconry, archery etc.
I think this fella was being sent home to fetch his kilt!
More photos of the Reivers festival on my Flickr photostream.