Had a conversation recently regarding hairy sporrans... I wasn't keen a couple of years ago but after long consideration, I've now drawn the conclusion I do like them although the occasion must be right.

Pahhh! This notion been nagging at me for weeks thank-you-very-much.

So now I own this!

Bought it on't t'interweb this morning. I have no idea when or if I will wear it but as I've mentioned before, it's not always in the wearing, it's also in the having!! Mrs EB is going to go mental!!

("maybe you'll be wearin' it when you're playing your pipes John" said the little voices in my head...)

In case you're wondering...
They are on a 'buy it now' at the UK version of a favorite auction site and there are several available, all un-badged. If you want to take a shufftie, type "British Scottish Sporran" into the general search bit and there are a variety that come up at £60 + delivery.

They've just loaded a black one with 5 white tassels today (8 currently available). It's most attractive... Kind of wish I'd waited now.

If you then delve into their shop and look in the Scottish Regimental section, even more delightful goodies await.

An' no it's not my shop! Just thought I'd share a lucky find. Bring back the hairy sporran, that's what I say!