Quote Originally Posted by PEEDYC View Post
I am certainly not a Monarchist being born and brought up in Scotland but I do admit I do like the pomp of such occasions. We do it so well in the UK and very few other countries have the traditions and the history.

It must be of interest as the event was broadcast to over 180 countries with an expected audience of 2 billion people.
I don't follow the logic. How does being born and raised in Scotland automatically make one a republican? They are the royal family of Great Britain.

That said, I did note a conspicuous lack of anything remotely Scottish associated with the wedding. The Duke of Kent in the uniform of a Colonel in Chief of the Scots Guards notwithstanding. Not that I expect wall to wall bagpipes and kilts, as thats not all there is to Scotland and only represents one historic language/cultural group of Scotland, but in as much as the groom attended St. Andrew's and met his bride there, I expected a little something.