At the request of our new member, Herr Doktor, here are the Austrian tartans I have tracked down on the internet.
Firstly there is the Hallstatt tartan, an artefact recovered in an archæoloogical dig:

Another artefact tartan from Austria was found in Styria (Land Steiermark):

This is rather dark – a lighter version apparently commercially available (and apparently what the artefact originally looked like) is this one:

There is also a Carinthian National tartan registered in Edinburgh. Registered by Lochcarron, the registration carries this note: “Only to be used with permission from Mr T Rettl, Freihausgasses 12, Villach, Austria.” Wikipedia tells me that Villach is the second-largest city in Carinthia (Land Kärnten). This is the illustration:

Also from Carinthia is a tartan for the Hirter Karo brewery:

A tartan has been registered for the Austrian Bowhunters Society:

There are also two Austrian family tartans registered in Edinburgh. Angelika Losek registered this one, which is called McLosek, to mark her husband’s 40th birthday:

This one is registered to the King family of Vorarlberg:
