I'll throw my hat in the ring this time. But instead of trying to decide what others should post where, I will just describe how I decide where to post.

It comes down to my intent. When I'm getting dressed, what is my intention or motivation? If I feel that I am getting dressed with my choices guided toward the traditional, then any post about that outfit would be placed into the "traditional" sub-forum. Accordingly, if I asked for opinions about that outfit, I'd have on my thick skin.

On the other hand, if I think I'm being more modern (it could simply be a modern tie to highlight the outfit, or a UK with boots....), then my posts would be there.

As a still reasonably new member, I have never given too much thought to the forums. If I have a picture, I post in pictures. If I want input about a traditionally inspired outfit, I go to traditional. If I want to talk about kilted Roller Derby outings,I'll likely end up in modern or general discussions sub-forums.

Although I can appreciate long discussions (and do follow many of them) about the finest of details, I do not understand why it matters so much which forum I (or anyone else) posts into. Am I going to be kicked out of the XMTS club if I believe my 8-yd knife pleated kilt worn with full PC get up belongs in a modern forum thread for discussions?

Just my 2 cents..