Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post
Here's how: Instead of basing the demarcation upon a particular time period, base the demarcation on whether or not the kilt is worn in accordance with the traditional practices of Highland Scotland.
There. That's the fulcrum on which this discussion tips, and rightly so. Let us be adults and understand that life does not have many areas of neat, tidy, well-delineated lines. Highland tradition is broader than many are comfortable with being on the table here. Many think the problem is that it's too constrictive, while ignoring history. Some on the forum have been accused of wearing "rose-coloured spectacles" in their desire to "become Scots". And some may be. I am not a Scot. I think I had that covered by my junior year in college, or maybe even a little sooner. When I was ten and my Great Books group was discussing Locke and Hume, it might have occurred to me that they weren't from around here. Or even near each other. And one was a Scot. Ergo, I am not a Scot. But I do read, and I know that Scots
were practical people. They didn't all have a lot of money. They didn't all live in Victorian times. They didn't all have enormous closets. What they had, they were glad to have, and when they went out the door they wore it with pride. and enjoyment. THAT, my friends, is the tradition. To say it is only how a small group could afford to do it in a short period of history is to don an enormous pair of rose-coloured spectacles made of polarizing glass that
eliminates any folk you don't consider were of the proper class to be included in the tradition.
WE ALL KNOW HOW WELL-TO-DO HIGHLAND SCOTS PUT IT TOGETHER. When we want to look good IN THAT STYLE, the traditional sub-forum is our resource. And a treasure it is. And
also trust me that we all will choose that, at least some of the time, money being available.
Not being Scots we will also do it in ways relevant to our lives wherever we live. I have seen kilts with cowboy boots. With scrunched-down socks. Worn too long. With the wrong sporran. My eyes still work. My heart did not stop. Highland Scots saw abnormal wear throughout the evolution of the kilt, and we're still wearing it. It will likely outlive us all.

Traditional is how it's been done over time and is still being done now. It will survive