The way Steve has the forum set up works pretty well for me right now. I wish there were enough contemporary kilt wearers that cared enough about their kilts and how they wear them, to join the forum and sustain a "Contemporary Kilts" forum. Sadly, there are not. I must admit, I get a little excited whenever I see a new thread in this forum, and I'm slightly disappointed whenever I see that it is not about contemporary kilts. However. Wearing tartan kilts in a contemporary way interests me near as much. My next kilt is likely to be a (PV) tartan. In the mean time, I enjoy reading those threads as well, as much of the same information applies to me. I believe the fact that this forum covers the contemporary style wearing of any kilt is what keeps this forum alive.

I must admit, I seldom read the "Traditional" forum. While I would love to have a full traditional outfit, complete with a traditional handmade 16oz wool kilt for formal occasions, that is not goin to happen until at least one more child grows up and moves out.

Have Fun,