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View Poll Results: What

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  • Cool doublet! I want one!

    2 22.22%
  • A bit too much "bling" for my taste, but OK if you like that sort of thing.

    5 55.56%
  • No....just....no!

    2 22.22%
  • I have no opinion.

    0 0%
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Thread: Which Doublet?

  1. #1
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    Which Doublet?

    Sorry folks! Deleting the post until I can sort the technical difficulties!

    My apologies.
    Last edited by KD Burke; 16th July 11 at 06:53 AM.
    'A damned ill-conditioned sort of an ape. It had a can of ale at every pot-house on the road, and is reeling drunk. "

  2. #2
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    Tried to help, but it doesn't seem your photobucket account is appropriately referenced.

    FWIW, I like the Sherrifmuir better, due to the absence of gold braid. I think it makes the Achara unnecessarily "costumey".
    Last edited by davidlpope; 16th July 11 at 06:43 AM.

  3. #3
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    If the doublet is the one I think it is, the original doublet, owned by David Stewart of Achara is beautidul; the one made to copy it, while nice, isn't on the same level.

  4. #4
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    Does this help?



  5. #5
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    That jacket with the gold lace/braid on it doesn't do anything for me. It looks costumelike, because though it has a vaguely historical look to it, it doesn't really correspond to how Highland jackets actually looked at any period.

    I feel about the same with Sherrifmuir doublets, which seem to be a 20th century mish-mash of bits and pieces from various periods of civilian and military Highland doublets. But at least they've been around for a while so my eye is used to them.

  6. #6
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    Both doublets from www.highlandclans.co.uk (where Sandy purchased his gorgeous tartan jacket - Appin). I have seen these many times before. I do like the latter in the rich velvet, and of course, the tartan waistcoat is always a superb touch. In regards to both doublet styles, sometimes simplicity looks far smarter.

  7. #7
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    The first one looks like a jacket that would be worn by a naval officer and to my mind there isn't enough 'cut away' at the front for kilt wearing. I could see it easily paired with a pair of buckskin knee-britches or the like.

    The second, a Sheriffmuir, is like my own, except that mine is barathea where as this is velvet. I have often wondered about velvet for jackets. I have heard ladies mention before that velvet was prone to 'crush' or crease. Could anybody who owns one comment?



  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    The first one looks like a jacket that would be worn by a naval officer and to my mind there isn't enough 'cut away' at the front for kilt wearing. I could see it easily paired with a pair of buckskin knee-britches or the like.

    The second, a Sheriffmuir, is like my own, except that mine is barathea where as this is velvet. I have often wondered about velvet for jackets. I have heard ladies mention before that velvet was prone to 'crush' or crease. Could anybody who owns one comment?


    Sandy could definitely expand on this particular topic far better than I, yet I do own a Regulation doublet from Kinloch-Anderson in both black barathea and black velvet. Though I love both doublets equally, as they are obviously the exact same style, only different fabrics, I have worn the black barathea version far more than its velvet 'brother'. I love the look of velvet, but it can become very hot, especially when worn to formal events during the summer months - and I tend to wear the matching waistcoat, or sometimes a tartan waistcoat, which makes the ensemble even more toasty.

    I have noticed that my velvet doublet does in fact crease more than the barathea version, however, after hanging the velvet doublet up immediately after wearing, the creases quickly leave the garment. And, the creases are never 'deep' or significant. I can't speak for all types of velvet, be it silk or cotton, or whatever, but I can speak for Kinloch's quality velvet in their doublets. I would love to have a simple coatee made of a coloured velvet - perhaps in a rich claret, blue, or green colour.


  9. #9
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    crushing, etc

    I think the gold braid makes that doublet look costumey. You could probably substitute black- even black to contrast with another body color, such as blue or green - and have a more acceptable product.

    As for velvet, there are many grades, made of silk, cotton, rayon, who knows what else.... I find that it is tougher than it looks and that it will spring back readily enough with a little room and a little steam. If you are going to use your velvet doublet as either a seat cushion or as a pillow, it is advisable to turn it inside out first. In addition to protecting the velvet from drool, it tends to cushion the velvet slightly by placing one velvet face against another, rather than against something harder.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    That jacket with the gold lace/braid on it doesn't do anything for me. It looks costumelike, because though it has a vaguely historical look to it, it doesn't really correspond to how Highland jackets actually looked at any period..
    Nowhere is it written that one's clothes MUST fit into a specific historical "window." One has jackets made that one likes. Who cares if the doublet made by Highland Clans "doesn't really correspond to how Highland jackets looked at any period"? Buy it because you like the style, or don't buy it...simple as that.

    I respect your right to a personal opinion ("That jacket...doesn't do anything for me"). I can assure you that there are many, many doublets of great antiquity that are not of the cookie-cutter genre. You can voice your opinion, but that doesn't change fact.

    I can tell you, though, that the original doublet owned by Stewart of Achara is far nicer than the imitation. See for yourself:

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