That's sharp!
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence...and it's usually greenest right above the septic tank. Allen
I think that turned out quite well
- Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt - An t'arm breac dearg
I like the Seabees patch. Looks great on the kilt, which also looks great. Well done, sailor!
Thanks for sharing the final product. Looks real nice. Well done.
D@mn!! I just saw this site - Should have had him do a flap with the patch... Jim
You know, when they saddled us with that digital crap in our ACU's we griped because it worked as camouflage nowhere on earth. You guys got a camo that blends into water. If the ship sinks, isn't that a bad thing?
That looks pretty darn sharp.
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