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  1. #11
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    Re: Ordering your kilt hose just got a little bit easier

    Oh my gosh, no yellow/mustard Lewis hose or garters? Glad I got my pair of each!

  2. #12
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    Re: Ordering your kilt hose just got a little bit easier

    Superb idea, Matt!!!

  3. #13
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    Re: Ordering your kilt hose just got a little bit easier

    Matt, I love the idea for the site. I bookmarked it in hopes it stays permanently. ***
    "Far an taine ‘n abhainn, ‘s ann as mò a fuaim."
    Where the stream is shallowest, it is noisiest.

  4. #14
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Re: Ordering your kilt hose just got a little bit easier

    Ok, the problem with loading the Bowmore and Border Check pages has been fixed (let me know if you still have problems, but try reloading the site first).

    I will definitely put up overview pages with thumbnail images, but that will likely be next week sometime.

    Mael, we have reduced somewhat the color offerings of the Lewis hose, but you'll note we have added the entire Rannoch range, which is very similar in style to the Lewis and does come in mustard, among other colors. So between the two, you actually end up with more color options, not less.

    We do hav two or three of the old yellow Lewis hose in stock, though, and those will eventually make their way on to our specials page. In the meantime, just call or email to see what we have in stock.

  5. #15
    Chirs is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Ordering your kilt hose just got a little bit easier

    It's all working for me now.

  6. #16
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    Re: Ordering your kilt hose just got a little bit easier

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle1 View Post
    I agree with zirrow. Even thumbnail size pictures of each model on the same page would allow the user to home in on the model or models that are of interest, instead of opening each menu item to see what it is. Having separate drop down menus for each model makes it very difficult to compare the models, and if you want to go back to an item that you liked, you must remember the model name, or start clicking all over again.

    I personally prefer websites that make it very easy to find what I want without looking at everything to get an idea of what is available. If I don't find what I want quickly, I go elsewhere.

    A very, very good point, sir.

  7. #17
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    Re: Ordering your kilt hose just got a little bit easier

    OK, somebody help me out here. I must be missing something.

    I can understand why this approach is good for the STM. Like Matt wrote in post #10, "... we felt that having a distinctive domain name might help get the site more exposure in the search engines and allow more people to stumble across it".

    I also agree with those who would like side-by-side displays for ease of comparison. That's a good idea.

    What I don't understand is how the new url "http://comfykilthose.com" is any better than using the current url "http://giftshop.scottishtartans.org/hose_intro.html" and simply making it a bookmark for later direct reference.

    Please don't infer that I am making any judgment about whether, "it's an idea worth implementing for other product lines", or not. I'm simply wondering what it is, if anything, that I don't understand about how the new url helps me shop.
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  8. #18
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    Re: Ordering your kilt hose just got a little bit easier

    Neat idea Matt.


  9. #19
    CopperNGold is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Ordering your kilt hose just got a little bit easier

    Hi Matt,

    This is a great idea, and I like the layout. I have no clue as to how difficult or possible it is, but I like the option to shop/filter by color, size, price. I save the 'possibles' in My Cart, and then edit to what I decide to buy.

    I think this makes it easier for shoppers to quickly find what they are looking for, and also directs them to other options, thereby increasing your sales potential.

    For example, if I am looking for daywear Lovat blue hose, and am not sure of the style, all the Lovat Blue options will be brought up on a page, and I might pick up a a daywear AND an eveningwear pair because all of the options are right on the page in front of me. That's a more than double sale for you!

    I have no idea if this is an easy thing to set up, but it's a thought!

    Cheers, Jocelyn

  10. #20
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Re: Ordering your kilt hose just got a little bit easier

    Quote Originally Posted by mookien View Post
    OK, somebody help me out here. I must be missing something.

    I can understand why this approach is good for the STM. Like Matt wrote in post #10, "... we felt that having a distinctive domain name might help get the site more exposure in the search engines and allow more people to stumble across it".

    I also agree with those who would like side-by-side displays for ease of comparison. That's a good idea.

    What I don't understand is how the new url "http://comfykilthose.com" is any better than using the current url "http://giftshop.scottishtartans.org/hose_intro.html" and simply making it a bookmark for later direct reference.

    Please don't infer that I am making any judgment about whether, "it's an idea worth implementing for other product lines", or not. I'm simply wondering what it is, if anything, that I don't understand about how the new url helps me shop.
    In truth, I don't think that shopping one site is any "better" than the other, so long as you know your way around both sites.

    Either way, the process after you click the checkout button is exactly the same, and your order will be filled the exact same way.

    We are just acknowledging the fact that some people enjoy shopping around a site with a larger catalog and other people prefer a simple site with fewer options. Now we have both. We will likely soon develop other dedicated sites for other products we carry.

    And, as a benefit for the museum, we hope that having multiple domain names out there may also yield more hits in the search engines. For example, if someone is doing a google search for "kilt hose" they maybe more likely to stumble upon a site dedicated just to kilt hose than our full catalog site.

    Either way is ok, we are just presenting both options. If you are familiar with our giftshop site and like using it, then great! :-) We appreciate the support!

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