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  1. #1
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    USMC Dress Blue Jacket To Sherrifmuir Doublet

    I'm concidering purchasing a used USMC Dress Blue jacket from my local military surpls store to have converted into a Sherrifmuir doublet, after I remove all the decorations from it first, of course. I'm just not sure about the red trim. What are the Rabble's thoughts?

  2. #2
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    Re: USMC Dress Blue Jacket To Sherrifmuir Doublet

    I personally feel that you can't go wrong using the dress blues for anything. The red trim would be a great touch with the right tartan.

  3. #3
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    Re: USMC Dress Blue Jacket To Sherrifmuir Doublet

    I would only be wearing it to really formal events with my "dress" kilt in Kerr Modern (predominantly red and green with three black stripes running crosswise through the tartan.

    i was thinking of replacing the gold buttons that come on the jacket with round silver buttons with a thistle on them. I think I might have seen buttons like that at Three Feathers Pewter. I will have to check their website.

    Thanks kkjrb6r23 for the quick response.

  4. #4
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    Re: USMC Dress Blue Jacket To Sherrifmuir Doublet

    I really think that military uniforms are best left in their rightful place. Even if you successfully altered this Enlisted Marine Dress Blue Blouse and change the buttons it will still look like what it is- a modified military uniform, rather than a doublet made to wear with your kilt.

    As a Marine, I would find it off-putting to run into a non-Marine wearing a Marine uniform, albeit modified, as part of civilian formal dress.

    If you particularly like the styling of Marine Dress Blues I'd suggest a Kenmore Doublet. Same standing collar, single-breasted style, but a civilian garment designed to be worn with the kilt.

  5. #5
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    Re: USMC Dress Blue Jacket To Sherrifmuir Doublet

    I'm with David; Marine uniforms are something left to Marines.

    Having said that...if you're still set on altering a Marine dress blue jacket, then look for an officer's jacket: no red piping to deal with. Also...for what it's worth, (at the risk if my fellow Marines' ire,) a Marine jacket minus gold buttons, red piping, rank and insignia is pretty much just another high-necked coat. I think they were originally patterned off of the British anyway...

    Best of luck with your project.
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  6. #6
    Mickey is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: USMC Dress Blue Jacket To Sherrifmuir Doublet

    Quote Originally Posted by flyrod6057 View Post
    I'm with David; Marine uniforms are something left to Marines.

    Having said that...if you're still set on altering a Marine dress blue jacket, then look for an officer's jacket: no red piping to deal with. Also...for what it's worth, (at the risk if my fellow Marines' ire,) a Marine jacket minus gold buttons, red piping, rank and insignia is pretty much just another high-necked coat. I think they were originally patterned off of the British anyway...
    Couldn't agree more. Without the piping and chevrons, what do you have? An officer's jacket! And what do those look like? A very generic, military styled jacket. No snap, no zing. But even after cutting, if you leave the piping on, any Marine will recognize what it is from a country mile, no matter what buttons you put on it. But if you do it, I'd like to see pics of how it comes out.

    Here is a USMC mess dress jacket after having the chevrons removed and gold buttons replaced with slightly larger silver ones. The only piping is on the epaulettes. Although the piping bugs me a little, I will leave it as it ties in nicely with the Leatherneck tartan, which is probably the only kilt that I will wear it with, and then, probably only to USMC balls. Though a sharp jacket, it just doesn't look right without chevrons. Too plain. Plus having buttons on the lapels where the EGAs go bothers me a bit. Gotta come up with something different I think.

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    Re: USMC Dress Blue Jacket To Sherrifmuir Doublet

    I am a former Marine as my signature states. I have seen our uniforms used in much worse and insulting ways than someone wanting to alter one for formal events. I don't see this as much of an issue, due to the fact that a doublet has a militaristic styling. I hold everything about our beloved Corps as sacred, but since everything can be purchased at a surplus store, you have to let some things go. Uniforms don't make a Marine, earning the title does.

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    Re: USMC Dress Blue Jacket To Sherrifmuir Doublet

    The Kenmore doublet look is what I'm going for without spending more for the doublet than I did for my kilt especially since I'm not blessed with a large surplus of cash right now. I've searched on line and been unable to find Kenmore doublets any ideas where I should look?
    Last edited by LANCER1562; 29th October 11 at 09:14 PM.

  9. #9
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    Re: USMC Dress Blue Jacket To Sherrifmuir Doublet

    Quote Originally Posted by Mickey View Post
    Sorry if this sounds negative, but I do not like this.

    "Tis neither fish, nor fowl, nor good red meat!"

    If this is, more or less, a Dress Blue Jacket, I do nor see how it can be modified into a Sheriffmuir. It looks like a PC at first glance.

    A Sheriffmuir is a totally different style. It has a high collar and the jacket meets at the neck. It comes straight down from the collar with no lapels to the waist, which is straight round the body. From the waist hang the four Inverness taches.

    Sorry, but this looks nothing like a Sheriffmuir.



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    Re: USMC Dress Blue Jacket To Sherrifmuir Doublet

    Chas, you are correct that neither of the Marine jackets mentioned here look like a Sherriffmuir. There still appears to be some confusion and I hope someone more knowledgeable will correct me if I'm wrong...

    I believe the OP is talking about the Dress Blue jacket, which looks somewhat similar to a Kenmore doublet:

    The image you quoted from Mickey is a Mess Dress jacket, which he clearly stated in his post.

    This is why a picture is worth a thousand words and people should use more of them to help clear up confusion!
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