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  1. #1
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
    from England now in Ontario Canada
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    good day out in my kilt

    my wife said it was ok for me to wear a kilt out shopping etc,well the trad kilt from TFCK black watch, this is contrary to a question on blu's post.
    this is good news.also she thinks I should get another TFCK even tho it's $400, her suggestion.
    and said why do you ask if it's ok to wear one out with me shopping? you thinking of never wearing pants again? no I said
    also had some nice comments, one from a guy 60-65 ish in the home depo (B&Q DIY) said his mother was scottish and he always wanted a kilt but his wife said when will you wear it, I told him to get one, and wear it whenever he wants.I think I'll drop off some info for him. also the lady on checkout was a scottish lady, said she liked my kilt, and asked what was the occasion, I told her I just like to wear a kilt for the comfort and think it's a shame to keep a kilt locked up in the closet only to come out for weddings etc, then a lady stood behind us stuck her hear between my and my wife and said to my wife " I think it looks fantastc" I said thank you. my wife was pleased at all the comments.

  2. #2
    Mr. Kilt's Avatar
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    Join Date
    17th February 04
    Manitoba, Canada
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    Sounds like a fantastic day indeed!


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