15th January 12, 08:07 AM
Critique, if you please...
Ok, I may live to regret this. I am enclosing a few photos of myself in my Chattan Ancient kilt. (my one & only kilt thus far. It is of Locharron 13oz. Made by Atholl Brose in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. I would like some feedback on how it looks & any suggestions concerning the rest of the outfit.
I have also worn this with a dark green tie for a little less formality, and perhaps lovat green hose as well.
Other gent in one photo is wearing Clan MacNicoll tartan.
Thanks in advance...
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15th January 12, 08:30 AM
Re: Critique, if you please...
I think the overall look is quite good. If I may critique two things:
1) pull your kilt up a bit. It looks like it is riding low on the hip (and a bit low on the knee).
2) It may just be the pose/picture, but the sleeve length on the jacket might be a little short for you. You're showing a LOT of cuff.
Other than that (and a polish on the shoes) you look great.
One other thing (not a critique, but something that immediately sprang to mind)- I can't help but think how splendid Lovat blue hose would look with that kilt.
15th January 12, 08:32 AM
Re: Critique, if you please...
Question: Is the jacket a little too small ??
Too much shirt at the collar and cuffs showing.
I would prefer to see coloured hose contrasting to the kilt
A bit of polish on the shoes would not hurt.
15th January 12, 08:39 AM
Re: Critique, if you please...
Hummm. Everything looks kinda loose. Did you loose some weight recently? You might want to try hiking the kilt's waist band up to belly button height. Tighten the belt so that it will stay up with only a little(1/2 inch) kilt showing above. Try to get your hose tops to fold with the same width, I have to fold mine down and then back up because they are usually too long. Might want to tighten up the garters also so that your hose wont fall down.
Hopefully that will make you feel a little more comfortable. Kilt on!
Somebody ought to.
15th January 12, 08:50 AM
Re: Critique, if you please...
I've not seen that tartan worn before. It certainly gives you a huge scope for shirt / tie / hose combinations. The whole colour spectrum - dark to light - is available to you. My advice would be - Be Bold - you won't regret it.
My only other observation is the first pleat on the left does seem to be curling forward. I don't know why it is doing that - maybe a re-press is in order.
I don't think you have anything to regret, Ray.
15th January 12, 09:04 AM
Re: Critique, if you please...
I would definitely hike up the kilt so that the belt sits at your natural waist, not on your hips and under your stomach as in the photo.
I'd also suggest investing in a tin of Kiwi "Parade Gloss" black shoe polish, and spend a half hour or so beezing up your boots until they looked like they were carved from obsidian.
If the photo was taken at a day time event, then your tie is fine, if a trifle funereal. A striped or patterned tie would improve things, and would avoid the somber look. If you are at a formal evening event, then, like the gentleman standing next to you, you'd be better off with a black bow tie.
Because of the way you are standing (hands folded in front, arms bent) it is impossible to comment on the sleeve length of your jacket; that said, the general rule is that the shirt sleeve should come to the base of the thumb, and the cuff of the sleeve should come to within an inch of the shirt cuff, but not cover it. Stand facing a mirror with your arms at your side, and adjust the shirt sleeve and jacket cuff accordingly, if required.
The white socks should be avoided, especially as there are so many other choices of colour that will compliment your kilt, rather than drawing attention to your legs and feet.
15th January 12, 09:21 AM
Re: Critique, if you please...
I like that tartan--there are a great variety of colors in there you can use to your advantage. Anything else that could be adjusted has been well-covered by previous posters.
Looks like you're pushing back on your sporran while the picture is being taken. Perhaps that's causing the slight curl to your pleat.
You're well situated to put together some interesting color combinations (something I have to work on, too!)
Very brave to offer yourself up for critique. I hope the suggestions are helpful and taken as kindly as they were given!
Mister McGoo
A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.
15th January 12, 10:12 AM
Re: Critique, if you please...
 Originally Posted by Guinness>water
Hummm. Everything looks kinda loose. Did you loose some weight recently? You might want to try hiking the kilt's waist band up to belly button height. Tighten the belt so that it will stay up with only a little(1/2 inch) kilt showing above. Try to get your hose tops to fold with the same width, I have to fold mine down and then back up because they are usually too long. Might want to tighten up the garters also so that your hose wont fall down.
Hopefully that will make you feel a little more comfortable. Kilt on!
Yes, I have lost 50lbs. over the last 2 years, the kilt is now very loose. I had to add a few holes to the belt, as well as hike the kilts straps the their maximum. I have gone from almost 38 pants size to a 33.
15th January 12, 11:29 AM
Re: Critique, if you please...
Well that explains a lot. Congratualtions on your new, healthier weight.
As others have said, get the kilt up so that the top strap sits at the natural waist (above the iliac crests of your pelvis). This might sort out a good deal of the left apron edge naughtiness.
That being said, with that much weight loss, you might need to have the kilt altered by someone who really knows what they are doing.
Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
Happy patron of Jack of the Wood Celtic Pub and Highland Brewery in beautiful, walkable, and very kilt-friendly Asheville, NC.
New home of Sierra Nevada AND New Belgium breweries!
15th January 12, 12:16 PM
Re: Critique, if you please...
There 's little left to say--you look pretty good--but I just had to congratulate you on the 50 lbs. I am half-way through a similar two-year program, so you are an inspiration. You look really good.
Nest time you're at the grocery story, pick up 5 10 lb bags of flour and just think, "That's the amount of weight I am no longer carrying around. It makes me feel good to do it with 2 bags!
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
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