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  1. #11
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    Re: Grandfather Mountain 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by creagdhubh View Post
    P.S. - Any suggestions on where to stay for two nights, whilst attending the games, and when to book? We have not begun our 'lodging research' yet for the Grandfather Mountain area.

    Slainte mhath,
    My wife and I and several friends rent units at the Pinnacle Inn, a ski resort on Beech Mountain. The summer rates are good. Click on rentals in the bottom left corner of the page to see photos of the available units.


  2. #12
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    Geoff and Kyle (and anybody else):
    The Pixie Inn is located in the sprawling metropolis of Linville and is the closest hotel to Gran'pappy.
    Here's their contac info:
    Pixie Motor Inn
    4150 Linville Falls Highway

    Newland, NC 28657

    (828) 733-2597

    Pixie Motor Inn - Intersection of NC 105 and US 221. 25 Grade A units. Electric heat. Grade A Cafe nearby. Color television. Free ice for cooler. Air conditioned. (828) 733-2597.
    Try Googling hotels near Linville or Newland, NC to find a place to stay. Boone and Blowing rock are the next closest towns. I'd suggest booking rooms early (as in tomorrow) to ensure getting the place you want.
    Geoff, Mael Cluim lives near you and came to Grandsire 2 years ago. He can tell you how long the trip takes.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  3. #13
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    Re: Grandfather Mountain 2012

    Thanks, gents. I'll look into those places, and hopefully get something booked ASAP!


  4. #14
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    Re: Grandfather Mountain 2012

    Michele and I have reserved a cabin at Linville River Log Cabins. We will be there!
    Geoff Withnell

    "My comrades, they did never yield, for courage knows no bounds."
    No longer subject to reveille US Marine.

  5. #15
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    Re: Grandfather Mountain 2012

    I havef rented a house on Beech Mountain several times, and I find it very comfortable and reasonably priced. There's Banner Elk with its restaurants, and only a short drive to Grandfather.

    A Marine gathering sounds like a good plan. If I can make it--and I don't see why I can't right now--I'll wear the Leatherneck tartan. Maybe dinner in Banner Elk.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  6. #16
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    If you come up Hwy. 221, Jim, you'll be coming right by my house. Blow the horn so I can come outside and wave.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  7. #17
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    Re: Grandfather Mountain 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    I havef rented a house on Beech Mountain several times, and I find it very comfortable and reasonably priced. There's Banner Elk with its restaurants, and only a short drive to Grandfather.

    A Marine gathering sounds like a good plan. If I can make it--and I don't see why I can't right now--I'll wear the Leatherneck tartan. Maybe dinner in Banner Elk.
    That would be superb, Jim!

    According to the official website of the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games, they recommend for people that are staying in Boone, to take the Boone shuttle to and from the games area. am I correct in saying that my wife and I will not be able to drive directly to Grandfather Mountain and where the games are being held? Instead, having to park at designated commuter lots and take a shuttle ($15.00 per person for the Boone Shuttle, which does not run past 5:30 p.m.) to the games entrance? I am confused how this works.

    The website also states that for those who have taken a shuttle on Saturday, which will be our main day of attending the games, to be certain to catch the return shuttle to the commuter lot(s) before 5:30 p.m., then drive back in your own vehicle to attend the Saturday evening concert, which our Saturday ticket will include, and perhaps my wife and I would like to attend.

    So, am I right in saying that my wife and I will have to take a shuttle first thing in the morning to the games area, then some time before 5:30 p.m., take the shuttle back, then drive our own vehicle back to the games area for the Saturday night festivities? Wow, sounds like quite a bit of driving!

    I understand that many of you have attended the games before, so what are your recommendations on actually getting to the games area? My wife and I are only attending the games all day on Saturday and Saturday evening - unless we catch up with fellow xmarkers and we all decide to do something else in the evening.

    We have not booked our accomodations yet, and are thinking about booking a hotel room in Boone for Friday and Saturday night (July 13 and 14, 2012), and taking the shuttle on Saturday to the games, as Grandfather's website highly suggested. We will be arriving in the Grandfather Mountain area some time on Friday, July 13, coming from Eastern North Carolina.

    What does the rabble think? We want to get our lodging booked ASAP!


  8. #18
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    There are a couple of parking lots closer to the Mountain than Boone, but if you're staying in Boone, then riding the shuttle bus from there would make more sense.
    Having said that, it's my understanding that clan tents are given two passes for parking spaces on the mountain. If you sweet-talk your MacPhersons into letting you have one of those passes, then you could park just outside the ticket gate, which would be about 100 feet away.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  9. #19
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    Re: Grandfather Mountain 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    There are a couple of parking lots closer to the Mountain than Boone, but if you're staying in Boone, then riding the shuttle bus from there would make more sense.
    Having said that, it's my understanding that clan tents are given two passes for parking spaces on the mountain. If you sweet-talk your MacPhersons into letting you have one of those passes, then you could park just outside the ticket gate, which would be about 100 feet away.
    Well, Boone isn't our guaranteed place we are staying, as I have yet to book any sort of lodging yet, so we are wide open!!! I'll see what I can do as far as it goes with my fellow Macpherson cousins, yet I'm sure the passes will be used by the conveners. Thanks for the information, mate.


  10. #20
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    Re: Grandfather Mountain 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    Geoff, Mael Cluim lives near you and came to Grandsire 2 years ago. He can tell you how long the trip takes.
    From my home in Spotsylvania, VA it took me 6 days to get to Grandfather's Mountain. Yes, it was not a direct route! I am sure your mileage will vary.

    Our Chief Robin Malcolm with his bride will be coming this year to GMHG for our AGM. So, I'll pony up again and make the trip. I'll try to get their early to get a camping spot near Turpin. He has the reputation for the best food, women and whisky (not necessarily in that order) at his tent in the village.

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