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  1. #91
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    Re: Poll: How often do you see kilts worn?

    Posted by BoldHighlander:
    Originally Posted by tky58
    Dorothy will wear her Jewish Tartan kippot. The rabbi loves it.

    As I have a number of Jewish friends I'd like to see a picture of that!

    Go to here and you can find it:


    This has been discussed on X Marks before. This is a rabbi in Scotland who has designed and registered a jewish tartan. He now sells items with this fabric, from pens to kippot and tallis to ties and kilts. It is actually a well though out pattern The main colors reference the blue and white of the flags of both Scotland and Israel the central and flag lines are "numbers of great significance in Judaism".

    This seems to be a side business. Do not expect the lightening fast service we have become use to from the likes of USAKilts and Stillwater Kilts.


  2. #92
    Join Date
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    Cowichan Valley 48 39' 1" N 123 34' 54" W
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    Re: Poll: How often do you see kilts worn?

    It the last year I have seen 4 people kilted. 2 of those when I met Steve in his shop & a customer came in.
    Interestingly, 3 of those were utility type kilts


  3. #93
    Join Date
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    Re: Poll: How often do you see kilts worn?

    Seldom. Other than Scottish Festivals, and myself, I only see two or three a year.

  4. #94
    Join Date
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    Re: Poll: How often do you see kilts worn?

    I normally walk home from work along Princes Street and Nicholson Street, so just passing the Royal Mile. So I guess I see 5-10 kilts a day really.
    Although these tend to be wore by pipers busking, or by tourists. So I'd say only 1-2 a week by those wearing them as their natural clothes, and not as a costume.

  5. #95
    Join Date
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    Re: Poll: How often do you see kilts worn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    this thread has put my feet firmly back on the ground as I had thought that the kilt was starting to be "the thing" around the world.
    Here on the West Coast, particularly in the Pacific Northwest, kilts have become quite common to see in public but Utilikilts rather than traditional kilts. As I mentioned I see 20,000 to 50,000 of the "general public" every day and I see Utilikilts all the time, but rarely do I see a traditional kilt.

    I guess I march to a different drummer, because though I like the look of Utilikilts I'm personally only interested in traditional Highland Dress.

    Which brings up a question in my mind: is the huge popularlity of Utilikilt wearing here on the West Coast a home-grown Pacific Northwest fashion movement unrelated to Highland Dress?
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  6. #96
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    Re: Poll: How often do you see kilts worn?

    Here in SE Va I never see tartan kilts outside of special occasions. I have seen a couple of utilikilts on guys going for the punk rock look but even they are very rare.

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