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  1. #41
    Join Date
    6th July 07
    The Highlands,Scotland.
    15 Post(s)
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    Re: Matching tie to the kilt

    Quote Originally Posted by MacGumerait View Post
    Forrester ,

    Thank you for the kind words . After I submitted the post , I thought about how it was worded and wondered if it came across as " lecturing " as that was certainly not my intent . I didn't want it to come across as one of those "smartest guy in the room" posts because I am certainly not that and I know I'm not ! ( just ask my friends )

    Just wanted to share the info . Also on a side note , there are several pipe bands that wear different tartans between their pipers and drummers depending on their traditions or their particular customs . I found it to be confusing at first especially when watching a group of massed bands together !

    Best Regards , Mike

    I cannot speak for Forrester, but I certainly had no problem with the informative and polite way you phrased your post and I cannot believe that any one else did either. I would not lose a wink of sleep over it, if I were you.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    14th January 08
    San Antonio, TX
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    Re: Matching tie to the kilt

    Quote Originally Posted by MacGumerait View Post
    Forrester ,

    Thank you for the kind words . After I submitted the post , I thought about how it was worded and wondered if it came across as " lecturing " as that was certainly not my intent . I didn't want it to come across as one of those "smartest guy in the room" posts because I am certainly not that and I know I'm not ! ( just ask my friends )

    Just wanted to share the info . Also on a side note , there are several pipe bands that wear different tartans between their pipers and drummers depending on their traditions or their particular customs . I found it to be confusing at first especially when watching a group of massed bands together !

    Best Regards , Mike

    No worries mate. That yellow flower you see on my avatar is a dandelion as I am a member of the Order Of The Dandelion [ootd] :ootd:, the Gentlemen and Ladies of Xmarks, who always treat each other with respect and kindness. I may come across as gruff or abrupt or know-it-all at times in my own writing but that is one of the problems with the written word in lieu of the spoken word, motive and emotion are imbued by the reader rather than the writer. Emoticons can help a little sometimes. But as my dear friend and recently back from the missing Jock Scot said, your post if read dispassionately was indeed correct and informative and without any visage of "one upmanship" or impoliteness. But I again thank you for your kindness and concern.

    We can all stand to learn some things about kilts and highlandwear from those around us who know something more or different, and at the same time learn a touch of humility along the way. So again, mate, no worries. You and your knowledge and opinions are welcome here, anytime. Just like everybody else's. Except maybe Jock, who can get a bit crotchety some times, the auld crabbit. Oh I forgot to mention that we give each other quite a bit of ribbing too, along the way. All in good fun, though, right Jock? ;) (Aye, and welcome back old friend, Jock. You were missed, indeed, and we are all the better for it).

    Last edited by ForresterModern; 3rd March 12 at 04:03 AM.

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