For those in the Austin area, we are getting brave. The Austin Celtic Festival has arranged for a special showing of the movie "Brave" at the Alamo Drafthouse on W. Anderson on June 23rd, 12:00 to 3:00. The Silver Thistle Band will perform, followed by the movie at 1:00. For tickets, go to:
Originally Posted by cck For those in the Austin area, we are getting brave. The Austin Celtic Festival has arranged for a special showing of the movie "Brave" at the Alamo Drafthouse on W. Anderson on June 23rd, 12:00 to 3:00. The Silver Thistle Band will perform, followed by the movie at 1:00. Aye, SOLD OUT! I'll see you there.
Well, I guess a Brave kilt night in Waco is out. Only one person wanted to do it. Sorry guys, I thought we would have more interest. BD
B.D. Marshall Texas Convener for Clan Keith
I am sorry you were unable to get enough response in Waco. Austin, on the other hand, fared better. The Austin Celtic Festival group rented a theater at the Alamo Draft House and quickly filled it (200 or so.) turning many away. Bag pipers, door prizes, festival passes all added to the event. But kilts were scarce - maybe 5 (which is more than I have seen at any event in this city except for highland games or a festival.) No kilt night here. Just the movie.
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