I don't know that this is true, but it sounds logical. And will be used when I argue w/ my daughter that laughs at me for wearing the kilt!
Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. From the note books of Lazurus Long aka: Woodrow Wilson Smith
To horseback riding, I would add the need for warmth to trouser development. Haven't the Inuit/Eskimos always worn trousers of sealskins and other fur-on hides?
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin
Imagine that... a world of non-pants wearers pointing at the one guy wearing pants wondering 'what the heck is he wearing'
Actually, I believe they'd be more generous than that. They'd give a thumbs up and say, "Nice pants!" Unfortunately, the Walmart MUG-wearers would still say, "You pre-vert! Get real and find yoself some non-pants." The question is whether the female twenty-somethings would swoon over the non-swish.
I have no difficulty in riding a bicycle when wearing a reverse Kingussie kilt, and could probably manage a horse with saddle/stirrups in the same way, sitting on the inverted pleat - but I would not ride for any length of time, I think.
When doing a lot of cycling I wear cycling shorts under my kilt - putting them on causes many eyes on stalks reactions - they are meant to be outer wear and visible, after all. Maybe it is the way the pleats shimmy which sets them all aflutter.