Black Watch pleated to the stripe is done quite often and very pleasing to the eye . As presented in the previous posts , there are three different examples , all handsome . I believe The Black Watch Regiment themselves used a pleating to the stripe similar to brewerpaul's example . You should be good to go with pleating to the stripe . I am sure that Rocky and the folks at USA Kilts won't let you make a bad decision , as a matter of fact , I think you will find the kiltmakers , suppliers , vendors , members , etc. here on this forum are quite honorable and won't let you down . I have purchased products from many of them and have never been disappointed ( several before I was a member here ) . By and large , you are in very good company here from what I have experienced . The folks on this forum are first rate . Congrats on your new kilt order , get ready to be addicted ! Best , Mike
Last edited by MacGumerait; 31st July 12 at 12:52 AM.
Forum moderator why is this thread under craig's corner?
Originally Posted by Kilted cabin boy Forum moderator why is this thread under craig's corner? No idea. Maybe because you accidentally started it there? In any event, thread moved to Kilt Advice. JD
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