Originally Posted by Mirthlesstroll Does your wife sew? If she does, she can make a simple pull-on skirt in MacLaren fabric. Kilt selvidge means she won't even have to hem if she doesn't want to. I can get a floor-length hostess skirt and sash out of 2 yards double width fabric and I'm a "woman of substance!" For how much does that usually run? Ballpark price.
No no, that is fantastic help. I keep telling her to just drop the coin and not fret. I'll be showing her your post specifically. It can only help. After all, I am a husband and therefore inherantly wrong.
Originally Posted by BuchananBiker No no, that is fantastic help. I keep telling her to just drop the coin and not fret. I'll be showing her your post specifically. It can only help. After all, I am a husband and therefore inherantly wrong. Im a broke college student and shopped forever before finding someone willing to make a skirt for me. The other place that looked good was USAkilts. I believe they were the next best price.
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