6th September 12, 04:17 AM
 Originally Posted by Mark R
Hi David
Will be there both days but expect to be tied to the vendor tent most of the time. Will try to at least stop by the clan tents when I have a chance.
Which vendor? I'll likely make the rounds at some point.
6th September 12, 06:17 AM
 Originally Posted by David Thorpe
Which vendor? I'll likely make the rounds at some point.
We met at Ohio games--I do the embroidered crest work for Clan MacTavish. You will see all the clan crest samples at our display like you did in Ohio.
PS you asked me about doing some military style shirts for you. Feel free to bring those with you.
6th September 12, 06:19 AM
 Originally Posted by Mark Stephenson
I'll be in Scotland with the Indiana Commissioner! (my wife)
Hope we all have good weather!
Enjoy green Alba, Mark! Safe travels to you and yours!
6th September 12, 06:23 AM
I'd love to attend, but I'm afraid Stephanie's brother is in town from St. Louis this weekend, thus we shall be busy entertaining and spending time with him. I think the weather is supposed to be quite cool (low to mid 70's) with low humidity, and not the disgusting, tropical temperatures we have been experiencing lately. Have a great time!
Yours aye,
10th September 12, 05:41 AM
Had an extra-large time at the Columbus Games. Met and visited with several Xmarkers.
L to R, me, mj_al, MacGumerait , EagleJCS

Another group shot from Sunday. L to R, MacGumerait, MadPiper1130 (my brother), mj_al and myself. We decided that since Kyle wussied out, we would take the liberty of plus-one'ing our own photo post. 

The weather (after a bodacious storm Friday night) was beautiful and cool (plenty cool enough for tweed, Kyle ), the games were very entertaining and the company was superbly enjoyable.
Last edited by David Thorpe; 10th September 12 at 05:46 AM.
10th September 12, 06:09 AM
 Originally Posted by David Thorpe
Another group shot from Sunday. L to R, MacGumerait, MadPiper1130 (my brother), mj_al and myself. We decided that since Kyle wussied out, we would take the liberty of plus-one'ing our own photo post.

Hahaha! I love it, David! I wish I could have attended, looks like a jolly good time indeed!
 Originally Posted by David Thorpe
The weather (after a bodacious storm Friday night) was beautiful and cool (plenty cool enough for tweed, Kyle  ), the games were very entertaining and the company was superbly enjoyable.
I know, the weather was definitely cool enough for tweed, David. Talk about perfect timing for this event! I'm glad you and your brother, et al, were able to have a grand time together.
Best wishes,
11th September 12, 08:15 AM
David, I thought you said Kyle couldn't make it...or did he????

Here is the Louisville, KY Pipes and Drums (EagleJCS - Piper) they were awesome!!

It was a great time had by all!
Last edited by Mudge; 11th September 12 at 08:16 AM.
11th September 12, 08:17 AM
 Originally Posted by Mudge
David, I thought you said Kyle couldn't make it...or did he????

Guilty as charged! Yep, that was me! 
Last edited by creagdhubh; 11th September 12 at 08:17 AM.
11th September 12, 08:56 AM
Thought that was you...lol. You should have came over and got your ***
11th September 12, 09:25 AM
 Originally Posted by Mudge
Thought that was you...lol. You should have came over and got your *** 
Hahaha! I should of, but I needed to clear it with my boss, Lord Vader, first.
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