24th October 12, 01:21 PM
It so happens that I had a suet pudding this evening, complete with golden syrup poured over it in abundance. This is one of my three or four favourites; suet, flour, milk, steamed (it can be done in a crockpot - slow cooker in the UK). The steam is good for one's sinuses. I am told that it was a staple in WW2, what with food rationing. It is incredibly filling. Forget about calories - burn them off with some exercise like a good long walk.
24th October 12, 01:24 PM
Suet is a fairly common ingredient over here, and can be readily found in the butters and spreads department in the supermarket.
I have done a bit of a search on-line and alternatives quoted are Lard, Shortening, Butter and Bacon Fat. There is also a vegetable suet which I understand you should be able to get in the States. Closest equivalent is something called Crisco.
As you cant get suet over there do you ever have dumplings?
Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
Best regards
24th October 12, 01:33 PM
 Originally Posted by Grizzly
Suet is a fairly common ingredient over here, and can be readily found in the butters and spreads department in the supermarket.
I have done a bit of a search on-line and alternatives quoted are Lard, Shortening, Butter and Bacon Fat. There is also a vegetable suet which I understand you should be able to get in the States. Closest equivalent is something called Crisco.
As you cant get suet over there do you ever have dumplings?
I have used Crisco as a substitute (which is just a name-brand shortening), and I really think it's partly why my results were less than stellar. Lard would be a better option if one can't find suet. In making pastry shells, lard is always superior to shortening, and I'm thinking it would be the same for a suet pudding too. Mmmmmm.... tasty, tasty lard.
24th October 12, 01:35 PM
We lived in the USA for nearly thirty years. My wife, who is American, was able to get suet regularly by making arrangements with the butcher at the supermarket to set some aside for her. Latterly we were able to make arrangements to bring over packaged suet from the UK (which is what is normally used over here; it's sliced into small thin strips like tiny noodles inside a packet). Butter is a decent substitute but makes a lighter pudding. For some Americans who may not be aware of the terms, in this case pudding is closer to cake rather than a custard, as it's a substantial item, firm but with some give to it.
24th October 12, 01:44 PM
 Originally Posted by Tobus
Mmmmmm.... tasty, tasty lard. 
Lol Tobus, you will be able to borrow my kilts soon.
Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
Best regards
24th October 12, 05:48 PM
I grew up on Suet Pudding or Plum Duff. My Grandmother made it in the winter and my Father made it until his death. I made it for my kids.
It was a mixture of milk, flour, salt and eggs kneeded together to make a bread like dough. Sultanas were mixed in and then it was rolled out in a rectangle. Any kind of fruit jam was then spread on it and then tightly rolled up in cheese cloth and the ends tied securely with twine. It then was inserted into a big kettle of boiling water then simmered for a couple of hours.
It was unwrapped and cut into 1 or 2 inch slices and served with a hot white sauce well laced with brandy.
As they always told me. "Eat this up Lad it sticks to u'r ribs and keeps the cold and damp out"
It was not greasy, economical, easy to make, and so very tasty.
I know I can buy suet all over Vancouver and think I will make it this weekend.
I know my partner will no be trying it as she watches what she eats. She did go to Ireland on a vacation this summer and ate Blood Pudding and loves it.
As a kid I remember it was my job to "Stir the bloody blood slow Lad, and dunna be mixing air into it". But that is another story.
Lang may your lum reek and a wee mouse never leaves your cupboard with a tear in its eye.
25th October 12, 04:49 AM
 Originally Posted by creagdhubh
Cheers, Tobus! I was just curious. No worries either, as my wife has several in her cookbook library. 
Well, since you asked, here's a photo of the book (still with the price tag on it, lol). Interestingly enough, I tried to look it up on Amazon and can't find one exactly like it. But the authors have several other books out there on traditional Scottish recipes, so I'm sure that black bun recipe is somewhere in the other books as well. The clootie dumpling recipe I use is from this book too.
And speaking of suet, since it was on my mind yesterday evening from reading this thread, I decided to stop in at a huge new grocery store on my way home. They have a big meat department, and the butcher fixed me up with some fresh suet from the back. He told me that no, they don't carry it on the shelves and the only way to get it is to ask for it. They may or may not have any on hand.
25th October 12, 04:54 AM
Herewith, my Mother-in-law's recipe for Christmas Pudding - it's a beauty.
This is a double recipe. Makes two puddings
2 cups each of:
grated carrots, grated potato, bread crumbs, brown sugar, raisins, currants
1 cup of flour
2 teaspoons each of salt, and cinnamon
1 teaspoon each of baking soda, allspice and nutmeg
1.5 cups finely grated suet
4 tablespoons of sour milk
Mix ingredients in the order given. Turn into a well greased mold. Cover and steam individual molds for 1.25 hours and large molds for 3 hours.
Enjoy with brandy hard sauce.
Gu dùbhlanach
Coinneach Mac Dhòmhnaill
25th October 12, 07:43 AM
 Originally Posted by Angstrom
Another thing I noticed from poking around in that cookbook is that we've lost a whole family of hot drinks that used to be common. The hot, rich drinks that taverns would have served to cold travelers -- mulled wines and ales, flips, possets, etc. -- have almost disappeared from modern life, with eggnog being the only surviving relative. I've tried a few, and they are very effective at warming one from the inside out. Central heating is probably as responsible for their demise as changing tastes.
None of them are foods we'd want to consume in great quantities, but it's fun to experiment and enjoy.
Well our bar culture, especially in college towns with lots of young people, has turned to shots and jello concoctions rather than decent drinks. I myself enjoy the cold of winter when we have people over and I will make mulled wine or during the holidays a good wassail. People warm up to then (pun intended) after a sip or two. After scouting out a few Scottish cooking web sites Jennifer now makes a pretty darn good Sticky Toffee Pudding which we allow ourselves once or twice a year. Rather rich but tasty the custard you put on the pudding.
Prost \_/\_/
"Greater understanding properly leads to an increasing sense of responsibility, and not to arrogance."
25th October 12, 08:56 AM
Does anyone else here enjoy traditional suet puddings? I became interested in them while reading the Patrick O'Brian Aubrey/Maturin novels, and then tried a few when I found the "Lobscouse and Spotted Dog" cookbook that a couple of O'Brian fans published.
I love those books. I'm just on "Blue at the Mizzen" and have the "Unfinished Voyage" ready to go. I really don't know what I will do with myself once they are finished. I will probably just expire; I can't imagine there is much else of interest out there!
Aside over:
We generally go to some friends just down the road for Christmas and always get a Christmas pudding. The ladies don't like it but we gentlemen feel it is our solemn duty to "relax properly" at Christmas. I also have a great fondness for Cartmel Sticky Toffee Pudding... one of the few desserts (that isn't cheese) that I enjoy. I'm not sure if it counts as a suet or not though.
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