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  1. #11
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I am not sure that the majority of these negative comments come from Scots people. There seems a strong undercurrent of negativity about Scotland and the Scots in most of the UK media these days and a lot of bile spouted about our politicians. My impression is that these people are unable to come up with any cogent argument to justify their point of view and resort to attempting crude character assassination of both individuals and the country as a whole. You really do have to treat these comments with a large pinch of salt, ignore the rants at either extreme and form your own opinion from the reasonably expressed views. So far, it seems, the only weapon in the armoury of these people is to promulgate negativity in the hope that a falsehood told often enough will eventually be believed.

  2. #12
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    Sorry, did not read the article and probably will not as I have already set my own opinion from experience. I have enjoyed the two trips/three weeks I have spent in Scotland, all but two kilted, in various places and activities, and will always remember them fondly (at least till the Alzheimers advances further). To quote the Terminator "I'll be back", if only to make sure I pay up my dues of a dram or six of fine single malt scotch with Phil and Jock Scot, and maybe a few others I can scare up next time around.

  3. #13
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    So, just when are you planning the trip Jeff? I mean, I shall have to work up a thirst and all that.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    So, just when are you planning the trip Jeff? I mean, I shall have to work up a thirst and all that.
    It may be a while, Jock, as I am currently shopping for a new job due to terminal dissatisfaction with this one. Unfortunately that will likely mean a relocation, financial loss on a home sale here, etc.. On the bright side some of my opportunities are overseas, a couple in the UK I just discovered today (one in Inverness as a matter of fact, but probably not right for me), along with several in the Middle East (Saudi, Qatar, UAE). The former would likely put me within a day's drive of you mate, and the latter would make getting back into Europe for a vacation a little more convenient (where else do you go on vacation from the middle east?). If I had my 'druthers I would find the perfect job in the St Andrews area or somewhere nearby in Fife, but am not counting on that happening. My profession has a relatively narrow range of places to practice, generally in bigger cities.

    Will keep you posted my friend so you can plan on ramping up that thirst (and perhaps prepare your liver for the inevitable onslaught).

  5. #15
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    I read only the article and avoided the comments because I'm tired of people believing that opinion equals news. The right approach should be nothing less than warm wishes and congratulations for a nation that despite a complicated history (not unlike any other nation) has also a rich practice of hospitality reaching back many centuries. I am planning my first ever trip to Scotland this spring (Lewis/Harris, Perthshire, Mull, Iona, and Edinburgh). I have spoken on the phone and corresponded with folks in accommodation, transport and tourism and what a wonderful experience this has been with helpful and just plain fine people. I am excited about visiting Scotland and congratulate its people who work very hard to help strangers like me feel welcome before I even get there. And just one more thing... I can also say that there's a fair amount of glass-half-empty sods on this side of the pond, too. I just don't have time for their energy.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by lukeyrobertson View Post
    I read only the article and avoided the comments because I'm tired of people believing that opinion equals news. ... I can also say that there's a fair amount of glass-half-empty sods on this side of the pond, too. I just don't have time for their energy.
    Indeed, well stated ***!

  7. #17
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    ***, LukeyRobertson.
    The Official [BREN]

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