Welcome from Central Cali
I actually have a supervisor that is a Melrose, hails from the Ross clan are you any relation? I'll have him respond once he gets back from being sick
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14th January 10
Colorado Springs, CO
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Originally Posted by MidwestMelroseLass
Hello Duncan! My mom is actually in the Springs. I'm looking to get her joined up here as well.
Thanks for the welcome!
There aren't too many XMarkers here in the Springs but we do occasionally get together, in the Springs, with members up north. Usually around St Patty's Day.
I too am originally from St. Louis, Missouri and now live in the greater Cincinnati, Ohio area (my lovely bride is from Cincinnati). When we lived in St. Louis, my wife, Stephanie and I would attend Burns Night at the Schlafly Tap Room every year. We were (and still are, only now from a distance!) very active within the Scottish community in St. Louis to include the St. Andrew's Society of Greater St. Louis.
We attended (and still do) many of the Scottish related events in the area to include the St. Louis Scottish Games in Forest Park, Missouri Tartan Day in St. Charles, Burns Night, etc. I would recommend contacting the local St. Andrew's Society in Denver, as I am sure they would be well informed of the Scottish related events in the area. There is also the Long's Peak Scottish Highland Games near Estes Park and Ft. Collins, about an hour north of Denver, which is held every year and is supposed to be very well organised. I wish you the best of luck in Denver and hope you get to return to St. Louis soon!