View Poll Results: How often do you wear your kilt?
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Every dad-gum day!!!!!!
A couple of times per week
A few times per month
A few times per year
Only on special occasions (weddings, funerals, et cetera)
20th April 13, 10:59 PM
How often do you wear your kilt?
Do you wear it often or not-so-often?
I wear mine when it suits my fancy but that's usually about three times per month. I wear casually and dressed up a bit more.
Not a daily wearer but often enough that people know that I wear it occasionally.
Last edited by TheOfficialBren; 20th April 13 at 11:04 PM.
The Official [BREN]
20th April 13, 11:05 PM
I have not worn a pair of trousxxx for 1yr 3months & 8 days now. I wish I had done it donkeys years ago. A cilt/kilt is certainly far more comfortable than the aforementioned naughty word.
Iechyd Da
A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer
20th April 13, 11:07 PM
I wear mine every Friday at work, during the games season when working the Clan Donald tent, and special occasions, like tonight to the Opera.
[COLOR=#000000]Teàrlach MacDhòmhnaill[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000]Missouri State Commissioner - Clan Donald USA[/COLOR]
20th April 13, 11:08 PM
Lol! I knew you'd have a word to say on the subject, my friend. Please vote.
I always enjoy your posts, Derek. I like that you have it down to the day.
Last edited by TheOfficialBren; 20th April 13 at 11:10 PM.
The Official [BREN]
20th April 13, 11:26 PM
I can't wear my kilts to work, but normally change into one after I get home and unless there is a specific reason for me not to, such as riding the motorcycle, then I usually wear one all weekend.
21st April 13, 01:55 AM
Depending on the position of the moon and my inclination about 3 times a week , sometimes more, sometimes if I am outwith the Highlands particularly, a lot less.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
21st April 13, 02:11 AM
I mostly wear mine for the games or for dress up night on a cruise. I am wishing I had it with me today in Windsor. Today is the queens birthday and there are many kilts here. Go figure, I thought I would only see them in Edinburg.
21st April 13, 02:33 AM
If I lived in Scotland, I would wear it most of the time, but it's bit conspicuous in the Midlands of England. I would be the only kilted person in town. (But perhaps I shouldn't worry about that!)
21st April 13, 03:36 AM
Usually at weekends and some evenings. My organisation would not stop me wearing one, but I would not feel it appropriate to do so.
21st April 13, 04:54 AM
I voted a few times per month (as an estimated average). I wear my kilt semi-regularly to Church and Masonic functions besides family occasions. I also wear it to events which have a particular Scottish relevance, eg. Burns Suppers etc. (Burns himself never wore Highland Dress although there is primary source historical evidence he sometimes wore a shepherds' plaid and he may probably have worn a blue bonnet on occasion).
Last edited by Peter Crowe; 21st April 13 at 03:08 PM.
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