View Poll Results: How do YOU do black tie?
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Prince Charlie or reasonable facsimile (converted eton, spencer or tail coat)
Black barrathea argyll. Dress it up, dress it down. Save the money. Hit the town..
Formal doublet. I like to stand out.
Other/I like to switch it up!
A doublet would be a nice step up, but PC's are easy to obtain...
It rather depends on the level of formality. Not all black-tie events are equal. My preferred choice is a black velvet Sheriffmuir but I have also worn a black barathea Argyll. The PC from my younger days is now a wee bit tight. Temperature is also a factor and the desirability of keeping cool during reels can dictate the lightest jacket and no waistcoat. My recently purchased and refurbished Kenmore/Balmorral type doublet will get an outing later in the year.
It's coming yet for a' that,
That Man to Man, the world o'er,
Shall brothers be for a' that. - RB
Standard is a black barthea Argyle jacket for me, worn with a variety of waistcoats.

However, I do have a Sheriffmuir doublet that I like to wear to mix it up a bit -- however it is made from Harris Tweed, which is a coarser cloth than typically worn for formal events, so I wear it when I want to be a bit different.

"Formal doublet. I like to stand out," was my vote. My preferred doublet of choice for black or white tie is the Regulation doublet in either black barathea or black velvet (I do own a KA coatee in dark green velvet, but it is seldom worn). Whereas I am rather fond of other doublet styles such as the Appin (tartan), Balmoral, Kenmore and Montrose, I am most keen on the style of the Regulation doublet. Sometimes I like to wear a scarlet or tartan waistcoat with my Highland evening attire and the Regulation doublet lends itself well to such details.

Last edited by creagdhubh; 8th May 13 at 05:26 AM.
I would wear a PC in black following the general rule that "black tie" is intended to be very plain and simple. Black jacket, white shirt, balck bow tie, black shoes, etc. (It's hard to be plain and simple in a kilt if most of the attendees are not kilted! That's why my wife often objects to a kilt: it takes away from her! she even admits it.
This is our Burns Supper in 2008:

I would likely wear tartan hose and a white fur sporran since that's the only fur sporran I have.
If it's a showy kilted affair, I might wear a Montrose doublet with lace an' a' that an' a' that. This is an old picture--and not a very good one--but it does give you an idea. (Note the thicker, darker hair. Probably 10 years ago on a cruise.)
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
I voted PC because that is the go to 75% of the time. However, as others have stated, not all black tie events are created equal and I do wear a black barathea Argyle on occasion. No doublets in the wardrobe, unfortunately.
I voted "other" because depending upon the occasion I switch between a black barathea Argyll and a regulation doublet. Gentleman's Dinners with the St Andrew's Society are usually in the Argyll, while the doublet gets trotted out for most events with ladies present. Trews (not tartan trousers) and a dinner jacket are another favorite.
Last edited by MacMillan of Rathdown; 8th May 13 at 07:29 AM.
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For a black tie event my standard is almost always the PC. To dress it down a little, I may wear a black or navy Argyll. I'll be attending a formal event this weekend. The only major change from this photo would be the addition of my new fox sporran.
I voted "Prince Charlie or facsimile" although I also wear a black Argyll on the rare occasion. I personally think of the Argyll as a more subtle dinner jacket equivalent and PC style as being the 'fancier' version... I used to attend about 3 black-tie functions per year, but since the divorce and related 'economic realignment' I pretty much only attend a Mardi Gras ball which is anything but subtle..
Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
"If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"
I have always worn the Prince Charlie that I was given many years ago. I would prefer a regulation doublet, but I don't go to enough black tie events to warrant buying another jacket. I have a black argyll which I haven't yet worn formally, but will in the future.
This is typical of what I wear, minus the masks!
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
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