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Thread: Saying 'Aye'

  1. #1
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    Saying 'Aye'

    I'm a newbie, trying to find my way. I've noticed that several forum posts are followed by a notice in which members who've "said 'Aye'" to a post are listed, but I don't see any way to say 'Aye' myself. Is there some secret button to push? I've looked in the FAQs but see no information about how to do this. I've done an FAQ search for 'Aye' but all it found were instances of the word 'displayed'. I didn't find any reference to it in the 'How Do I..." forum. Is there some place with instructions that I'm missing?

  2. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to vanwenger For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
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    You should be able to say "Aye" by clicking on the word "Aye" at the bottom of the post, as I have done here with your post. If that's not working for you we'll have to ask our techies to look into it.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  4. The Following 6 Users say 'Aye' to cessna152towser For This Useful Post:

  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    You should be able to say "Aye" by clicking on the word "Aye" at the bottom of the post, as I have done here with your post. If that's not working for you we'll have to ask our techies to look into it.
    As far as I can tell, there's no word "Aye" at the bottom of the post. Here's a screen capture that shows what I get when I'm looking at a post using Firefox on my Mac:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Saying Aye.jpg 
Views:	17 
Size:	83.4 KB 
ID:	12633

  6. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to vanwenger For This Useful Post:

  7. #4
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    If I may also add, that you have to be "logged in" (well, I do anyway!)before the "aye" appears. I think I am also correct in saying that you only get 5 "ayes" a day.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  8. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Jock Scot For This Useful Post:

  9. #5
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    Since I last posted, I'm now getting a little thumbs up symbol with the word 'Aye' next to it! This had never appeared before. Whatever you did, thank you! (Could it be that newbies don't get to say 'Aye' until they're past their 10-post requirement?)
    Last edited by vanwenger; 11th July 13 at 02:28 AM. Reason: a bit extra to add

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  11. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by vanwenger View Post
    Since I last posted, I'm now getting a little thumbs up symbol with the word 'Aye' next to it! This had never appeared before. Whatever you did, thank you! (Could it be that newbies don't get to say 'Aye' until they're past their 10-post requirement?)
    I have no idea, but as I used up ALL of my technical know-how in my last post, that would be no surprise to anyone!
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  13. #7
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    further research

    I think that he has hit it on the head.
    I also noticed that the "Aye" option only
    appeared after I passed the 10 posts mark.

    So it may just be something that newbys
    don't have enabled.

    Also, I beleive that this is a relatively new
    feature in the forums -- and I suspect that
    the date of creation of a thread has a bearing
    on the presence or absence of the Aye button.

    Last edited by Aussie_Don; 11th July 13 at 06:21 AM. Reason: actually meant to say -- further research here

  14. #8
    Join Date
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    Hello Gents,

    I've been conferring with Steve Ashton about this. He has confirmed that the "aye" button should be accessible even to new members, whether or not they have 10 posts. That said, we are checking with our code guru to see if there's anything that would prevent that button from being displayed to a new member.

    Thank you for your patience,

    For the XMTS Staff

  15. #9
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    After a little research I have discovered the the 'aye' button, and the ability to post photos is tied to post count and not to the members' usergroup as we originally intended.

    I'm very sorry and apologize to our new members. The original idea with the 'aye' button was to make it available to all members but we seem to have made a mistake in the coding.

    I have contacted our code guy and will ask him to find where in the code this is and allow new members to see the 'aye' button and also be able to post photos.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

  16. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I think I am also correct in saying that you only get 5 "ayes" a day.
    Steve, while we're at it could you clarify this point for me (& for everyone else)? The "Aye" button was added while I was offline for a period of time, so I might've missed any earlier announcement or details regarding its use, but as with Jock, I too notice that after about 5 "ayes" I cannot see/access that option for another 12 to 24 hours or so.
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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