Clan tent area is just south of the chapel... I think. How about meeting around 1pm on Sunday. Does that work?
B.D. Marshall Texas Convener for Clan Keith
That works for me John
Originally Posted by bdkilted Clan tent area is just south of the chapel... I think. How about meeting around 1pm on Sunday. Does that work? That should work for me. While I have an easier trip form Austin, my son is driving from San Antonio and can't leave there too early, so 1:00 may be OK.
1 it is then. See y'all there.
I was looking forward to meeting everyone this weekend but it looks like I will be working instead. Hope a good time is had by all and I have he opportunity to meet you another time.
Green Dragon - sorry you missed it. It was a great weekend - the weather was excellent. It was my first kilted event/outing and I throughly enjoyed it! Met with several clan representatives. Also saw some "unique" kilt combinations - yellow and black kilt (not sure of the clan) but one neon green and one neon orange hose and a neon green head wrap. If he hadn't thrown the 32 pound stone over 30 feet I might have said some thing to him.
Originally Posted by Green Dragon I was looking forward to meeting everyone this weekend but it looks like I will be working instead. Hope a good time is had by all and I have he opportunity to meet you another time. We have 2 more events coming up: Austin Celtic Festival - Nov. 2 and 3 at Festival Gardens Salado Scottish Gathering and Highland Games - Nov. 8, 9 and 10. Hope you can make these. We'll try for another group meeting.
The yellow and black is the loud McLeod. No one ever misses it. As soon as I get a hold of my wife's phone I will try to get the pictures uploaded.
Finally got my wife phone away from her and uploaded pictures. Started a new thread for them in the "pictures" forum. Sorry it took so long. BD
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